KREISEL Compliance

Compliance requirement

The compliance with the law and rule-compliant behaviour are among the basic values and principles of our company. This clear commitment to compliance unites all our employees across borders and across cultures. Violations of applicable laws and regulations and/or internal rules of conduct are not tolerated in our company and are proactively prevented by effective measures.

Compliance reporting platform

We focus on prevention and the thorough investigation of suspected compliance violations. Through effective control mechanisms and useful information/reporting channels, abuses are minimised, and repeated misconduct consistently avoided.
In principle, violations of statutory or company-internal rules and regulations must be reported via the regular chain of command (for example, to supervisors, works council, group audit, etc.). Our compliance reporting platform is available to whistleblowers if they believe that a resolution will not be ensured or that the notification could lead to personal disadvantages.

Who can report compliance violations?

All employees and business partners of the FIXIT GROUP are called upon to provide targeted and plausible information regarding compliance violations while disclosing their own identity. Anonymous tips are only accepted and processed in exceptional cases.

Which violations should be reported?

It is important to only report cases that indicate a criminal offence (such as theft, fraud, corruption, bullying) or a systematic violation of the law, statutes or internal rules of conduct.
In the event of a noticeable abuse of the compliance reporting platform (for example, for groundless allegations, defamation), the FIXIT GROUP reserves the right to take legal action or disciplinary action against the whistleblower.

Confidentiality and privacy

Incoming notices are received, processed and always kept strictly confidential by the compliance officers of the FIXIT GROUP. The exchange of information and data between compliance officers and whistleblowers takes place by means of encrypted email communication. Adequate protection of whistleblowers against discriminatory or disciplinary measures is guaranteed at all times.
If necessary, relevant personal data and information may be transmitted to the police and/or other investigative officials or other authorities.
Collected (personal) data will be kept exclusively within legal deadlines and deleted in the sense of legal data protection regulations. Data collection takes place on a voluntary basis and can be revoked by the whistleblower at any time with immediate effect.
The disclosure of the whistleblower's identity is essential for transparent determination of the facts and efficient case handling. Anonymous tips are only accepted and processed in exceptional cases.